
2 09 2009

RestartI started this blog awhile ago, hoping to change my fathering experiences into thoughtful educational experiences for other fathers.  I wanted to use evidence based research from renowned educational institutions to back me up on all of my theories.

Obviously that didn’t go well.  It isn’t that the research isn’t out there; rather, being a father of 3, working full-time, with a wife that is working part-time and pursuing her masters degree, really doesn’t lend much time for research.

On the other hand, is there any better research or evidence based process than actual hands on experiences?  I mean, come on, I’m a father.  Why not just use my experiences, and through those experiences, maybe I’ll help someone.  Or maybe someone will be able to relate.  Or maybe it will do nothing more than provide a platform for me to talk.

Whatever happens, I hope you will continue to read.

Thank you for chosing Intentional Father, and your children.



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